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ETS Risk Management Executive Protection

7315 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 400 West, Bethesda, MD 20814
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Profile : For high-profile figures like executives, celebrities, and politicians, executive protection is not merely a precaution but a necessity. Their prominence often makes them targets for those seeking to exploit their status for financial gain, political motives, or personal vendettas. As such, these individuals require a comprehensive security strategy that addresses both predictable and unforeseen risks. The core functions of executive protection services include threat assessment, risk management, and the implementation of preventive measures. This often involves a team of highly trained professionals who are adept in various aspects of security, including tactical response, surveillance, and defensive driving. These experts work to anticipate potential threats, devise security plans, and respond swiftly to any incidents that may arise. Main Business Category : Business Services Main Business Activity : Professional Services Business Activity : Business Services, Professional Services Phone Number : Fax : P.O.Box : Other Phone : Country (E) : USA Country (A) : USA City (E) : Bethesda City (A) : Bethesda Address (E) : 7315 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 400 West, Bethesda, MD 20814 Address (A) : 7315 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 400 West, Bethesda, MD 20814 E Mail : Business Activity : Secure Ground Transportation, Executive Protection, Event Security, Media Security, Family Office Security, Residential Security Services, Tour Security, Talent Security, Residential Security Assessment

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