Tradesmen & Construction
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T&K Asphalt Services Inc.

7 Industrial Way, Whitman, MA, 02382, United States
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7 Industrial Way, Whitman, MA, 02382, United States
Profile : T & K Asphalt Services provides paving, asphalt & concrete services for commercial customers throughout New England. T & K has served as the premier paving contractor for commercial properties since 1987 and is New England’s largest commercial parking lot maintenance company. T&K Asphalt is strongly committed to providing our customers with the very best commercial parking lot construction, repair and maintenance services in New England. When it comes to asphalt services, we excel at it all: paving, milling, grading, sealcoating, line striping, crack filling, concrete, snow removal and all other asphalt repair services. T&K Asphalt provides commercial paving, sealcoating, line striping, concrete, construction/repair and snow removal services for business owners and property managers throughout New England and across the United States. Based in Whitman, MA, T&K has built a reputation for excellence in the paving and sealcoating industry. Paving: T&K Asphalt Services Paving Division can handle all types of paving jobs including big box stores, large residential communities, commercial office locations and strip malls. With over 400 pieces of equipment, our 24/7 maintenance facility and 125+ employees, we are able to schedule, control, and deliver jobs on time and on budget. This self-performing model is rare in today’s commoditized marketplace, but after 30 years and over 10,000 jobs, our customers like the results. Commercial Sealcoating: Sealcoating your parking lot saves you money in the long run and can improve the curb appeal and minimize the damage from gas leaks, oil spills and the effects of the sun. We are one of the largest sealcoating providers in New England. Commercial Line Striping: Our line striping crews have over 60 years of combined ashpalt and line striping experience. Commercial Concrete Services: With over 35 years of experience and expertise, we have established ourselves as a leading provider of commercial concrete services. Main Business Category : Tradesmen & Construction Main Business Activity : Paving Business Activity : Select..., Select... Phone Number : (877) 852-7742 Fax : P.O.Box : Other Phone : (877) 852-7742 Country (E) : United States Country (A) : United States City (E) : City (A) : Address (E) : 7 Industrial Way, Whitman, MA, 02382, United States Address (A) : 7 Industrial Way, Whitman, MA, 02382, United States E Mail : Business Activity : paving companies near me, paving company, paving companies, paving contractor, commercial paving contractor

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