Health & Beauty


Syscoms College Building, Opp. Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce, 4th Floor 402 – Abu Dhabi
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Syscoms College Building, Opp. Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce, 4th Floor 402 – Abu Dhabi
Profile : The World Union of Wound Healing Societies is delighted to invite you to our upcoming WUWHS Hybrid Congress on 1-5 March 2022! Our wish for this Hybrid Congress to be the first face-to-face wound care meeting in the world after the eventful COVID-19 pandemic is through. A hybrid format is therefore developed alongside the physical program, to accommodate all who would choose to join. Main Business Category : Health & Beauty Main Business Activity : Nursing and Care Business Activity : , Phone Number : +971026227887 Fax : +971026227887 P.O.Box : Emirates Post PO Box Shelter - Sheikh Khalifa Medical Complex Other Phone : +971026227887 Country (E) : United Arab Emirates Country (A) : United Arab Emirates City (E) : Abudhabhi City (A) : Abudhabhi Address (E) : Syscoms College Building, Opp. Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce, 4th Floor 402 – Abu Dhabi Address (A) : Syscoms College Building, Opp. Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce, 4th Floor 402 – Abu Dhabi E Mail : Business Activity : Main purposes of the Association are: to improve patient-centered care by encouraging global cooperation in wound healing clinical practice, education, research and delivery of wound care; to encourage research into all aspects of wound healing by developing global cooperation between wound healing societies, governments, health agencies, and industries; to enhance education in wound healing by developing policy, programs, and initiatives that can be used or adapted for use worldwide; to represent the scientific community of wound healing in commissions and in international health organizations; to improve the clinical practice, delivery of treatment and outcomes in wound treatment by developing global policy and protocol;

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