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Home Sweet Linens

C-17 1011 Upper Middle Road East
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C-17 1011 Upper Middle Road East
Profile : Can Your Pillow Cause Digestive Problems? They absolutely can. The proper pillow is necessary for many people in order to address underlying health issues. When someone has acid reflux disease, the muscles between their throat and stomach get weaker. This lets acid back up into their throat and mouth. Acid reflux generates an unpleasant burning feeling that significantly impacts sleep quality. Avoid sleeping on your back if you have GERD, reflux, or severe nausea. Since you want all that acid to stay in your stomach, where it belongs, you should avoid lying flat as this makes it easier for the acid to move. The supine position makes things worse because it makes it easy for the acid to move up the throat. When you have an attack of acid reflux, it is very uncomfortable to be flat on your back. By raising the head, acid reflux has to work against gravity to bother you, which tends to reduce the effects of reflux. Also, having your head up helps clear your sinuses and reduces snoring. If the pillow is too thin, it doesn't raise the head and neck high enough to keep the acid backwash from getting to the chest and throat. People with reflux should think about getting fitted for the right pillow to help them deal with their symptoms. Some simple changes to the way you sleep, like adding more pillows or changing your position, could make the difference between a good night's sleep and a bad one. If you're searching for the perfect pillow, we recommend you check out Home Sweet Linens ( Main Business Category : Health & Beauty Main Business Activity : Fitness Business Activity : Select..., Select... Phone Number : Fax : P.O.Box : Other Phone : Country (E) : Canada Country (A) : Canada City (E) : Oakville City (A) : Oakville Address (E) : C-17 1011 Upper Middle Road East Address (A) : C-17 1011 Upper Middle Road East E Mail : Business Activity :

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