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Ideal garments textile

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Profile : IDEAL company was established in 2006 in Namangan city, Uzbekistan. Ideal company is one of the largest clothing manufacturers in Uzbekistan. Since then, the company produces clothes, garments and shoes in the field of textile. Company is specialized in producing almost all types of clothing, from shoes to outerwear. The Company leads constant activities on improvement the quality and range of products in the purpose of increasing their best contribution to textile. The company is specialized in producing high quality men, women and kids clothes with the finest raw materials available in the market. Main Business Category : Shopping Main Business Activity : Textile Business Activity : , Phone Number : +998974166640 Fax : - P.O.Box : - Other Phone : +998974166640 Country (E) : Uzbekistan Country (A) : Uzbekistan City (E) : Namangan City (A) : Namangan Address (E) : Namangan Address (A) : Namangan E Mail : Business Activity : The company staff extend their geography and products, there will be expected a lot of novelties. Company takes orders from different organizations such as Law Enforcement, Ministries and Agencies, Private Enterprises, Financial authorities, State enterprise and Educational institutions Ideal garments – beauty and quality lifestyle remain always with you! The company motto: Trust of the customers- the sign of the leadership! Be and look handsome with Ideal company brand clothes and shoes! Company can realize their products based on buyer’s choices and desires in any volume, size, patterns and design of fabrics for wholesale and retail. A good deal and bargain for real business promoters who acting in textile products trade market in UAE and Europe! Do not lose your good opportunity to make good deal and profit.

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