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نيبولوس المستثمرين المجموعة
Nepolos Investors Group

Dubai UAE
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Profile : Nepolos Investors Group; invite you to entrust your business with us and benefit in our new Loan and Project funding program. We offer flexible loans and funding for various projects by passing the usual rigorous procedures.This Funding program allows a client to enjoy low interest payback for as low as 3 % per annum for a period of 1-25 years. We can approve a loan/funding for up to USD 2,000,000,000.00 or more depending on the nature of business. We are currently funding for: * Starting up a Franchise *Business Acquisition * Business Expansion * Commercial Real Estate purchase * Contract Execution * Personal loan We are open to having a good business relationship with you. If you think you have a solid background and idea of making good profit in any venture, please do not hesitate to contact us for possible business co-operation: Terms and Conditions apply Phone Number : 8527017283 Fax : 8527017283 P.O.Box : 23100 Other Phone : 8527017283 Country (E) : United Arab Emirates Country (A) : United Arab Emirates City (E) : Dubai City (A) : Dubai Address (E) : Dubai UAE Address (A) : Dubai UAE E Mail : Business Activity : Are you a business man or woman? Do you need funds to start up your own business? Do you need loan to settle your debt or pay off your bills or start a nice business? We provide a debt consolidation loan, business loan, home refinancing loans, car loans, personal loans, loans, and company loans at 3% interest per year. Are you in any financial mess or do you need funds to start up your own business. We offer the following kinds of loans and many more; $4000.00 Minimum up to a maximum of $2 billion with a World Class standard facilities and to make sure that the fund gets into your bank account within the space of four (7) business working days depending loan amount applied, our services are sure. Our loans are well insured, for maximum security is our priority. if interested, kindly Reply to us via email at, Terms and Conditions apply

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