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Channel FZC

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Profile : Dear Sir, We would like to introduce ourselves to you and your esteemed company. We are a trading company, Channel Fzc, deals in all types of oil & gas equipments/machines and related components. We understand our respected clients' needs and thrive to add value in supply chain. Our detailed profile is attached for your kind consideration. We would be pleased to have an opportunity to meet your valuable wants and introduce you in person. Our professionals in the field evaluate requirement of the client and provide products and solutions which match to the specific needs and want. We would humbly request you to kindly add our email address in your list of suppliers and give us an opportunity to serve you. Thanks & Regards, Muhammad Fahad Channel FZC Mobile: 00971-50-2187511 00971-55-9929402 Office: 00971-6-5575366 Fax : 00971-6-5575399 Web: Phone Number : 971-6-5575366 Fax : 971-6-5575399 P.O.Box : 9554 Other Phone : 971-6-5575366 Country (E) : United Arab Emirates Country (A) : United Arab Emirates City (E) : Sharjah City (A) : Sharjah Address (E) : Address (A) : E Mail : Business Activity : Dear Sir, We would like to introduce ourselves to you and your esteemed company. We are a trading company, Channel Fzc, deals in all types of oil & gas equipments/machines and related components. We understand our respected clients' needs and thrive to add value in supply chain. Our detailed profile is attached for your kind consideration. We would be pleased to have an opportunity to meet your valuable wants and introduce you in person. Our professionals in the field evaluate requirement of the client and provide products and solutions which match to the specific needs and want. We would humbly request you to kindly add our email address in your list of suppliers and give us an opportunity to serve you. Thanks & Regards, Muhammad Fahad Channel FZC Mobile: 00971-50-2187511 00971-55-9929402 Office: 00971-6-5575366 Fax : 00971-6-5575399 Web:

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