Business Services

All First Nations

Unit 201, 7028 120 Street
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Profile : All First Nations Jobs, job portal is a National job site, accessible by any job seeker and is in International & National in scope, which can be accessed by residents of any province or territory in Canada. Job seekers can search jobs by job tittle, NOC code or by employer name. Employers can post any types of jobs, ranging from Business, Finance, Sales, Service, Adminstration, Health occupation, Applied Sciences, Information Technology, Culture, Law, Trade, Transport, Manufacturing to Community and Government Services. Main Business Category : Business Services Main Business Activity : Others Business Activity : Select..., Select... Phone Number : 604 503 9669 Fax : P.O.Box : Other Phone : 604 503 9669 Country (E) : Canada Country (A) : Canada City (E) : Surrey City (A) : Surrey Address (E) : Unit 201, 7028 120 Street Address (A) : Unit 201, 7028 120 Street E Mail : Business Activity : This platform is not only free for above mentioned Job Seekers, we also offer Free Unlimited Job posting services to First Nations, Aboriginal Peoples, underrepresented groups and Indigenous communities. We invite such communities and organizations to use our platform for free if they need to post their jobs. Some such communities are listed below: First Nations Schools Association Urban Native Youth Association Indian Residential School Survivors Society Indian Residential School History and Dialogue Centre Mamele'awt Community Indigenous Centre Aboriginal Head Start Preschool Amiskwaciy Academy, Edmonton Hazelton First Nations High School FNTI - First Nations Technical Institute, Ontario Urban Indigenous Education Centre, Ontario Job will be posted free if you are a recruiter from such communities. Feel free to contact us and we will be happy to set up your free employer account.

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