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Exotic Metal Alloys
Monel 400 Sheets & Plates Suppliers In India

123 Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, UAE 00000, United Arab Emirates
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Profile : Exotic Metal Alloys offers an epic dimension of Monel Alloy 400 Sheets Plates and Coils, where it is the commitment of our party individuals to look at these things for a completing defect all things considered accomplishing most amazing quietness of the customers. Monel 400 Sheets is utilized for hydrocarbon and compound overseeing gear, marine structure, shafts, fittings, valves, siphons, gets, and warmth exchangers. These Monel 400 Plates is utilized in made plant contraption, for the reason that of its bewildering use restraint. Main Business Category : Business Services Main Business Activity : Small Business Business Activity : Manufacturing & Industry, Industrial Premises Phone Number : Fax : P.O.Box : Other Phone : Country (E) : United Arab Emirates Country (A) : United Arab Emirates City (E) : Dubai City (A) : Dubai Address (E) : 123 Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, UAE 00000, United Arab Emirates Address (A) : 123 Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, UAE 00000, United Arab Emirates E Mail : Business Activity : Monel 400 Coils shows first – rate use check and taking off quality in a blend of fundamental and acidic circumstances and it's especially fitting for diminishing conditions. The machinability of these Monel 400 Slatting Coils (UNS N04400) is hard as it works-toughens all through machining. At that point, Monel 400 Perforated Coils are other than being offered in various sizes and shapes to our clients. While these Alloy 400 Sheets has varying phenomenal conditions, it is a long way from the ideal metal.

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