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Pro Hr Services

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Profile : “Pro HR Services,” a trusted HR outsourcing and management partner. Our team of highly skilled professionals leverages modern technologies, digital tools, and years of expertise in the Ukrainian HR market to provide our partners with stability, flexibility, transparency, and, most importantly, predictability in their relationships with us. At Pro HR Services, we reject one-size-fits-all solutions because we recognize that each partner is unique, and their challenges demand a tailored approach. Our mission is twofold: to foster a sense of consciousness and dignity within the HR and employment landscape in Ukraine, and to add value to our partners through effective human capital management. Our solutions will enable our partners to concentrate on the core aspects of their business and enhance efficiency in collaboration with us. Let’s do HR together! Main Business Category : Business Services Main Business Activity : Human Resources Business Activity : Select..., Select... Phone Number : Fax : P.O.Box : Other Phone : Country (E) : United Arab Emirates Country (A) : United Arab Emirates City (E) : City (A) : Address (E) : Address (A) : E Mail : Business Activity : IT RECRUITMENT MASS RECRUITMENT SOURCING OUTSTAFFING PERSONNEL OUTSOURCING OUTSOURCING AN EXTERNAL SERVICE STAFF LEASING HR OUTSOURCING. LABOR-BOOK PROCESSING PAYROLL CALCULATION AND ACCOUNTING SUPPORT OUTSOURCING OF LABOR PROTECTION AND FIRE SAFETY REGISTRATION AND SUPPORT OF NON-RESIDENTS HR CONSULTING – CAREER COUNSELING OUTPLACEMENT CORPORATE PSYCHOLOGY SALARY SURVEY

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