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Dr. Meharwal Top Robotic cardiac Surgeon in India

Yas Island - ياس غرب
Give Heart
Profile : India is recognized for offering the excellence in minimally invasive cardiac surgery to patient around the world by providing the best heart care in India at honest affordable prices. Many of the Dr. Meharwal Top Robotic cardiac Surgeon in India can be found in India by offering technologically advanced cardiac treatment with the state of the art cardiac hospitals in India have a 99.5 % success rate of performing most complex cardiac surgeries at the most affordable cost compared to similar modern facilities of minimally invasive anywhere in the world. Dr Z. S. Meharwal at Fortis Escorts Heart Institute has more than 25 years of experience in cardiac surgery with over 20,000 surgeries to his credit, including complex cardiac procedures. Main Business Category : Health & Beauty Main Business Activity : Medical Equipment Business Activity : Health & Beauty, Nursing and Care Phone Number : Fax : P.O.Box : Other Phone : Country (E) : United Arab Emirates Country (A) : United Arab Emirates City (E) : Abu Dhabi City (A) : Abu Dhabi Address (E) : Yas Island - ياس غرب Address (A) : Yas Island - ياس غرب E Mail : Business Activity : Dr ZS Meharwal Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery India Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery with Dr. ZS Meharwal Dr. Z S Meharwal Minimally invasive Cardiac Surgeon India Dr. Meharwal minimally invasive Cardiac Surgeon Delhi Affordable Robotic Heart Surgery by Dr. ZS Meharwal Dr. Meharwal Top Robotic cardiac Surgeon in India

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