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Saudi Bulk SMS

Aspect Tower, Block-D Office 606, Dubai,U.A.E
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Profile : Saudibulksms services differ for a variety of users ranging from individual Their products include SMS Gateway API- The electronic Application Programming Interface that allows you to SMSEmpower your applications. The EAPI may use for jobs that range from automatic notification to message delivery statuses.BulkSMSText Messenger- The BulkSMS Text Messenger makes two way messaging into a group of people even more natural. USSD Gateway- It’s a platform that enables Operators to introduce messaging solutions with quicker response times. Main Business Category : Business Services Main Business Activity : Advertising Business Activity : , Phone Number : (+971)-4-5135001 Fax : P.O.Box : 185640 Other Phone : (+971)-4-5135001 Country (E) : United Arab Emirates Country (A) : United Arab Emirates City (E) : Dubai City (A) : Dubai Address (E) : Aspect Tower, Block-D Office 606, Dubai,U.A.E Address (A) : Aspect Tower, Block-D Office 606, Dubai,U.A.E E Mail : Business Activity : Be it One-to-many or One-to-one, send mass SMS in one go.• Capability to upload documents of various. Establish schedule delivery on some future date & time. Group your contacts on particular criteria to concentrate messaging. Produce templates for repetitive messaging. Assess the status of any campaign and access various reports for evaluation.2) Transactional SMS: Bank or bank or insurance company or Credit Card Company or depositories Airlines or lawful organizations to its clients regarding travel programs, ticket booking, and reservation. Info from a registered educational institution to its students or their parents or guardian’s The information delivered by a registered firm to its employees or agents or to its customers concerning goods or services to send to such clients. Business / Customer lead generation Feedback from clients, employees, or some other target group. Information on demand. Database creation of likely customer Area wise, product intelligent, etc.. Online surveys for real-time results.4) Voice SMS: Broadcast you voice message instantly.

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