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Security Contractor Vancouver - Security Company Vancouver

1892 W Broadway #200, Vancouver, BC V6J 1Y9, Canada
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1892 W Broadway #200, Vancouver, BC V6J 1Y9, Canada
Profile : When it comes to security, it's important to have a reliable and efficient team by your side. That's where BestWORLD Security Services Inc, a premier security company Vancouver, comes in. With their highly trained Security Contractors Vancouver, they provide top-notch security services to various businesses and individuals in the area. Security Contractor Vancouver - Security Company Vancouver boasts a team of experienced and dedicated security specialists who are well-equipped to handle any security situation. What sets them apart is their ability to dispatch a guard to new sites in less than 30 minutes. This fast response time ensures that their clients' security needs are addressed promptly and effectively. You can trust BestWORLD Security Services Inc to have your back. With their fast response time, customized security solutions, 24-hour continuous coverage, and exceptional customer service, they are dedicated to keeping you and your business safe. Contact them today for all your security needs and experience the best security services in Vancouver. Main Business Category : Business Services Main Business Activity : Professional Services Business Activity : Select..., Select... Phone Number : 604-282-3733 Fax : P.O.Box : Other Phone : 604-282-3733 Country (E) : Canada Country (A) : Canada City (E) : Vancouver City (A) : Vancouver Address (E) : 1892 W Broadway #200, Vancouver, BC V6J 1Y9, Canada Address (A) : 1892 W Broadway #200, Vancouver, BC V6J 1Y9, Canada E Mail : Business Activity : Security Guard Vancouver, Vancouver Security Guard, Security Guard in Vancouver

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