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Diamond Furniture

148 318th Rd - Al Quoz - Al Quoz Industrial Area 3 - Dubai
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148 318th Rd - Al Quoz - Al Quoz Industrial Area 3 - Dubai
Profile : Diamond Furniture’s cutting-edge outdoor upholstery collection revolutionizes the perception of outdoor comfort. Leveraging innovative technology and meticulous engineering, our fabrics redefine durability and style for outdoor spaces. These advanced textiles undergo specialized treatments, ensuring resistance against harsh outdoor elements such as UV rays, moisture, and general wear, prolonging their lifespan without compromising on comfort. Crafted to endure, our upholstery collection boasts a variety of fabrics designed to suit diverse tastes while maintaining superior performance and visual appeal. Transform your outdoor living experience with furniture that not only complements your outdoor aesthetics but also withstands the test of time, as Diamond Furniture leads the way in pioneering outdoor comfort and endurance. Main Business Category : Business Services Main Business Activity : Others Business Activity : Business Services, Others Phone Number : 0507168667 Fax : 0507168667 P.O.Box : 148 318th Rd - Al Quoz - Al Quoz Industrial Area 3 - Dubai Other Phone : 0507168667 Country (E) : Dubai Country (A) : Dubai City (E) : Dubai City (A) : Dubai Address (E) : 148 318th Rd - Al Quoz - Al Quoz Industrial Area 3 - Dubai Address (A) : 148 318th Rd - Al Quoz - Al Quoz Industrial Area 3 - Dubai E Mail : Business Activity : Diamond Furniture unveils a new era of high-performance outdoor upholstery fabrics, where durability harmonizes with design excellence. Our collection embodies enduring design, promising both aesthetics and resilience in outdoor furniture. By incorporating state-of-the-art techniques and resilient materials, our fabrics stand strong against the elements, resisting fading, mold, and wear while maintaining an aesthetic edge. Embrace a standard of exceptional endurance and design in your outdoor spaces, as our meticulously crafted high-performance fabrics redefine the expectations of outdoor living. Elevate your outdoor experience with furniture that not only embodies style but also stands the test of outdoor challenges, making Diamond Furniture the forefront of enduring design excellence for outdoor upholstery.

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