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Profile : Dear ib students, One question which I often get from students is how to choose good IA topic and then what will be research question on that topic. Today, I want to brief it about; I always suggest choosing a research topic and question which has never been done before. Although your topic can be same to that already done before, your investigation should be different from earlier ones. Same topic and similar investigation will land you in trouble because examiners always look for creativity in your investigation. Since topics are limited so you don't have infinite options to choose but you can have infinite options to frame a research question on a topic. If you need any further help on your IA Extended essay or TOK essay, don't hesitate to contact me: WhatsApp: +919911918255 Email: Main Business Category : Business Services Main Business Activity : Others Business Activity : Business Services, Others Phone Number : +919911918255 Fax : P.O.Box : Other Phone : +919911918255 Country (E) : United Arab Emirates Country (A) : United Arab Emirates City (E) : City (A) : Address (E) : Address (A) : E Mail : Business Activity : ib tutor, ib tuition, ib private tutor, ib private tuition, ib tutor for math, ib tutor for physics, ib tutor for chemistry, ib tutor for biology, ib tutor for english, ib tutor for business management, ib tutor for economics, tok tutor, ib tok essay, ib math ia, ib math hl ia, ib math sl ia, ib mathematics studies ia, ib math extended essay, ib math exploration, ib math exploration tutor, ib math hl exploration, ib math hl exploration tutor, ib math sl exploration, ib math sl exploration tutor, ib math hl tutor, ib math sl tutor, ib math internal assessment, ib math hl internal assessment tutor, ib math sl internal assessment tutor, ib math hl internal assessment, ib math sl internal assessment, ib math internal assessment tutor, ib math tuition, ib math ia tuition, ib math ia help, ib mathematics tuition, ib math studies ia tuition, ib math studies ia tutor, ib math studies internal assessment, ib physics ia, ib physics ee, ib math ee, ib physics extended essay, ib chemistry extended essay, ib chemistry ee, ib biology ia, ib bio ee, ib bio extended essay, ib economics commentary, ib economics ia, ib economics extended essay, ib economics ee, ib business mangement ee, ib business management extended essay, ib bm ia, ib bm ee, ib tok, tok essay, ib tok tutor, tok sample, tok example, ib wt, ib wa, ib wt tutor, ib wa tutor, ib written tak, ib written assignment, ib design techology, ib dt, ib dt ia, ib dt extended essay, ib dt ee, ib tutor in gurgaon, ib tutor in gurugram, ib tutor in delhi, ib tutor in noida, ib tutor in mumbai, ib tutor in bangalore,ib tutor in bengaluru, ib tutor in hyderabad, ib tutor in ahamedabad,ib tutor in indore, ib tutor in varodara, ib tutor in baroda, ib tutor in pune, ib tutor south mumbai, ib tutor in bandra, ib tutor in andheri, ib tutor for itgs ia, ib tutor itgs ee, ib tutor itgs extended essay, ib tutor in kolkata, ib tutor for computer ia, ib tutor computer ee, ib tutor computer extended essay, ib english extended essay, ib english literature, ib tutor for english literature, ib tutor for computer science dossier, sat tutor, gmat tutor, gre tutor, ib math hl ia example sample, ib math sl ia example sample, ib math studies ia example sample, ib mathematics ia example sample, ib physics hl sl ia example sample, ib chmeistry sl hl ia example sample, ib bio ia example sample, ib biology ia sample example, tok sample, tok example, ib economics commentary ia sample example, ib business management bm ia sample example, tok presentation sample example, ib geography ia tutor, ib history ia tutor, ib geography extended essay, ib geography ee, ib history extended essay, ib history ee, ib history ia example sample, ib geography example sample, ib geography tutor, ib history tutor, tok tutor, ib math ee extended essay example sample, ib physics ee extended essay example sample, ib chemistry extended essay example sample ee, ib biology extended essay ee example sample, ib english extended essay ee example sample, ib economics ee extended essay example sample, ib business management bm ee extended essay example sample, tok essay example sample, tok presentation sample example, ib itgs ee extended essay sample example, ib itgs project, ib dt project, ib dt ee extended essay example sample, ib geography ee extended essay example sample, ib history ee extended essay example sample

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